Author: rhodke
New sitemap
Following our webhost transfer, we’ve made our Sitemap available at to improve our search engine crawling.
- web host transfer
We’re in the process of transferring to a new host. Please pardon our appearance and check back soon because the transfer is almost complete!
Alumni News Updates
Lafayette’s Communications Department agreed to post Greek related news to their Greek Life website under Fraternity/Sorority Community in the News. Please remember to send all alumni news updates to We’ll make sure your updates get published to as well as Lafayette’s website for Greek Life.
Update from Chair of IAGGL
In late December, Lafayette posted an update from Dr. Celestino Limas, who is the chair of the Implementation and Assessment Group on Greek Life on the college’s website. He outlines their work as: 1) Establish metrics by which we can evaluate the Greek system’s ability to meet the four objectives spelled out by the Board…
DKE thoughts on IAGGL Announcement
President Weiss recently sent a message (copied here) to the entire Lafayette College community discussing the Implementation and Assessment Group on Greek Life (IAGGL). The IAGGL is charged with implementing the Board approved recommendations from the Greek Life Working Group and measuring results over the next three years. DKE’s actions position us well for achieving…
DKE Speakers Bureau: Time Management is Really Self Management
On October 27, 2011, the DKE undergraduates welcomed Brother John Terembula ’94, for the first of three alumni mentoring sessions. Discussions like these are being set up by DKE’s alumni association in order to address the college administration’s recent recommendations found by the Greek Life Working Group. Brother Terembula’s discussion presented the undergraduate brothers with…
Spiking to Make a Difference
On November 25, 2011, between 3pm and 6pm, the Jiwanko Saathiharu Foundation will be hosting a Volleyball tournament at Amity High School in Amity, CT. Proceeds will be donated to benefit the children of the beautiful, yet impoverished, nation of Nepal, as well as an annual Amity scholarship in memory of Jeremy Saxe. DKE supports the foundation annually with…
DKE x10 Project
Brothers De Lisi and Carlson announced the DKE x10 Project during the annual meeting. Under this project, each graduating glass would give a class gift back to the DKE House. To connect Dekes across graduation years, they would also fund raise for the project from 1 year DKE alumni and Dekes who are preparing to…
Jeremy Saxe Tournament Success
Durring DKE’s homecoming meeting, several alumni raised questions about raising the profile of the annual Jeremy Saxe Memorial Basketball Tournament. Brother Baldwin ’12 indicated he would be crafting a press release to bring local reporters to the event this Spring. Additionally, Brothers Garelli ’09 and Crerand ’09, who are in charge of communications for the…
Call for Alumni Volunteers
Brother De Lisi reviewed the need to institutionalize and modernize the business of the fraternity. We need volunteers to serve on the Public Relations Committee. The description of this committee is located here with more information about governance on the About Us page. Refining and communicating DKE’s message is more important now than ever. We’re…