Brothers De Lisi and Carlson announced the DKE x10 Project during the annual meeting. Under this project, each graduating glass would give a class gift back to the DKE House. To connect Dekes across graduation years, they would also fund raise for the project from 1 year DKE alumni and Dekes who are preparing to celebrate their 10 year reunion. The 10 year DKE alumni will match the gift donated by graduating DKEs times ten!
This year’s project, which was designed by Peter with input from the students is a built-in multi-room sound system for the DKE House. Planned zones include main bar, chapter room, first floor, and front yard with iTouch mounted controls in each zone and 10 speakers total. The system will be extensible to add zones if we decide to in the future, for instance 2nd floor lounge.
Specific goals for this year’s project are:
* Current seniors donate at the Marquis level ($100). Goal: 100% participant at the Marquis level (~20 ppl)
* <1 year graduates donate at the Marquis level ($100). Goal: 100% participation. 90% at the Marquis level (~13 ppl)
* 10 year graduates donate at the Marquis level ($1,000). Goal: 100% participation. 70% at the Marquis level (~14 ppl)
* Financial goal is $13,000
* Funds received by end of April
* Project complete by Reunion (first week of June) for 10 year graduates to dedicate gift at their reunion
* All Marquis participants return for Homecoming and attend the Marquis Founders Dinner
We wish the DKE seniors well in completing this ambitious project! If you have any questions or want to participate, contact Gregory Baldwin '12, the project coordinator at
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