Status of Board of Trustees Directives for Greek Life, Update

In August 2012 DKE’s leadership published our thoughts on the  progress towards fulfilling the Board of Trustees directives from their October 2011 meeting. As promised, we’ve updated the dashboard to track the progress since August. With the help of the administration, the Greek community has made significant progress, often already achieving the Board’s end goals for the Greek community, as recognized in the recent update to the community from the chair of Implementation and Assessment Group on Greek Life (IAGGL), VP of Campus Life Annette Diorio, and coverage in the school newspaper article Halfway There: Greek GPA Promising including comments by President Weiss, both of which we discussed here and here.

Board-of-Trustees-Greek-Life-Directives-2011-2012 Updated Winter 2013 Highlight
Highlights of Positive Trends Since August 2012

The dashboard is available in .PPTX and .PDF formats. The speaker’s notes in the PPTX document contains the explanation for why DKE’s leadership scored progress for each item.

There has been progress even on those areas that give us the greatest cause for concern (1. Transition from a punitive conduct model to an educational and student development model and 2. Allowing student demand to drive bringing expansion/contraction of the Greek community), although we’ve also seen a backslide in terms of varsity athletic teams (particularly the women’s teams) forbidding their student athletes from joining a fraternity or sorority. Hopefully the momentum the College is building will help overcome these last few remaining hurdles.

Challenges Remain
Challenges Remain

As always, we welcome questions, comments or concerns, especially if there’s anything we’ve missed. Please send your thoughts to

Powerpoint: Board-of-Trustees-Greek-Life-Directives-2011-2012 Updated Winter 2013

PDF: Board-of-Trustees-Greek-Life-Directives-2011-2012 Updated Winter 2013


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