This week’s edition of The Lafayette continues a thread we discussed from last week’s edition in the article Prohibited: Trustees ban unrecognized Greek groups on campus by Julie Depenbrock ’13:
“No student may rush, pledge, join, recruit for, participate in, perpetuate, contribute funds to, or otherwise engage in activities as an actual or prospective member of an unrecognized Greek organization while on any property owned or under the control of the college.”
In addition to coverage in the school newspaper, VP of Campus Life Annette Diorio sent the study body an e-mail on Wed Feb 6th explaining the policy including the following highlight:
We are fully supportive of the Greek community and acknowledge that they have worked hard over the past year to demonstrate their collective commitment to achieving the goals established for them. Unrecognized groups undermine the ability of our recognized Greek organizations to achieve the highest levels of success because they operate without College oversight or accountability.
The e-mail included the attachments of the adopted Policy on Unrecognized Greek Organizations in PDF format and a list of FAQs also in PDF format.
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