IAGGL announces remaining metrics

Following comments from the Lafayette community, Dr. Celestino Limas posted an announcement on behalf of the Implementation and Assessment Group on Greek Life (IAGGL) on Monday May 21st that revises the previous metrics as well as IAGGL’s first draft of the metrics for the remaining Board of Trustees objective of “Fraternities and sororities must provide open access and engagement opportunities to all students at Lafayette (non-discriminatory in selection of members).” See the draft metrics below the jump.

IAGGL’s final meeting was on Thursday May 24th. If you want to receive e-mails containing information on Greek Life at Lafayette College, send an email message to IAGGL-join@mailman.lafayette.edu

Draft Metrics

  1. Do Greek organizations publish ahead of time to prospective members their selection timeline?
  2. Do Greek organizations publish ahead of time to prospective members their selection process details?
  3. Do Greek organizations publish ahead of time to prospective members their criteria used to select members?
  4. Do Greek organizations publish ahead of time to prospective members the exit points for prospective members in their process (i.e. is it known clearly when cuts are made)?
  5. Do Greek organizations publish ahead of time to prospective members the criteria used at each exit point in their process (i.e. how they make cuts when they make cuts)?
  6. 6. Are there documented ways that organizations recruit prospective members that are similar to current members?
  7. Are there documented ways that organizations recruit prospective members that are dissimilar to current members?
  8. Do organizations notify prospective members when their active status in that group’s process changes to not active?
  9. If organizations weight their selection criteria, do they publish this to prospective members and make it clear which exit points in their process it applies?
  10. Do organizations publish ahead of time to prospective members the range of spots available in their process?
  11. Do organizations have advisors present at each meeting in their selection process?
  12. Do organizations provide current members and advisors in selection meetings with written guidance as to the value of a well-balanced membership?


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