This afternoon Jim Krivoski, executive assistant to the president, sent a letter describing the College’s 18 month study on Fraternities and Sororities on campus. This study was conducted by the Greek Life Working Group in order to figure out how Fraternities and Sororities fit in Lafayette’s strategic plans. They came up with
31 recommendations in five categories: (1) improving relationships between the College and the Greek community, (2) the Greek community as a center for academic excellence and innovation, (3) supporting a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming Greek community, (4) promoting personal integrity, responsibility, and well-being in the Greek community, and (5) the College’s recognition and assessment of Greek organizations.
Additionally, there is a new position created by the school, the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life. The Director will devote all of his/her time to the advising and support of fraternity and sorority chapters, and replace the current position of Assistant Director of Residence Life and Adviser to Fraternities and Sororities.
The Alumni Executive Board has received both the executive summary and full report. They are currently reviewing both for the impact they have on DKE. Anyone with questions or suggestions can contact the board (provide e-mail as the contact) or leave comments directly on the blog.
An Executive Summary of the Greek Life Working Group report is available in PDF format at
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