DKE at Reunion 2011

DKE reunion photo
As previously announced over 30 Dekes came to reunion this past weekend with an especially strong showing of the class of ’86. In addition to the registered attendees, impromptu appearances were made by Will Forbes ’96, Christos Katsiaouni ’01, Brendon Carlson ’01, and Salvatore Caiazzo ’03.

In addition to the college’s planned festivities Brother Jared Piette ’12, Director of Service & Philanthropy and a rising senior, was on hand to welcome alumni back to the DKE House. Walter Luby welcomed alumni back Friday evening with a BBQ. Walt and Jared pulled several composites, Melanges, and Chapter Minutes for easy review by the returning alumni. The DKE house was open Saturday with members of all reunion classes coming over throughout the day. This was the start of a great DKE tradition at reunion.

While gathering for the reunion picture, Steve Vecchione ’76 played a cassette recording of “Son of a DKE” and George Benson ’61 came by before giving the keynote talk at his class 50th reunion. The photos below are most of the alumni who made it to reunion, but not all of us because herding Dekes is a little more difficult than herding cats. A Lion March followed the group pictures Saturday evening.

To download a higher resolution version of the photos below click here, here, here, and here. Look for additional reunion information in the next Rho News and on this website. Feel free to leave comments on this post or e-mail us any reunion notes.
DKE reunion photo 2


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