Spring 2008 Rho News

We recently mailed out the spring Rho News. You can also view it online in PDF format here, along with past editions of the Rho News.

We have been using Lafayette’s contact information to mail out the Rho News. To update your contact information with the school, you can go to Lafayette’s alumni page and click “Update your Information” on the left navigation bar. If you want us to use a separate address than the one the school has file, please e-mail us at either zomick@gmail.com or webmaster@rhodke.org.

Also, as a reminder that didn’t make it into the Rho News, Homecoming this year is early on September 27th and is a night game against UPenn with a 6PM kickoff. We changed the format for the annual brothers meeting last year to make some improvements based on alumni feedback. We hope to see everyone back at the DKE House again come September and if you have any suggestions, let us know!


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