Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

Programming on Campus

A description of programming on campus and opportunities to engage with our undergraduate brothers.

DKE Speaker’s Bureau

Share your experiences and life lessons while visiting the DKE House

Intellectual Development

…in equal proportions a gentleman, scholar, and jolly good fellow.

Academic Standards Scholarship

We recognize academic achievement of the Rho Chapter as a group of students


Formerly known as COMPASS and STEPS, the College’s review of chapters

Greek Life at Lafayette College

Summary information about our community at Lafayette College

Disciplinary Status Tracker

Find out the disciplinary status of chapters on campus

“The Objects of Delta Kappa Epsilon are the cultivation of general literature and social culture, the advancement and encouragement of intellectual excellence, the promotion of honorable friendship and useful citizenship, the development of a spirit of tolerance and respect for the rights and views of others, the maintenance of gentlemanly dignity, self-respect, and morality in all circumstances, and the union of stout hearts and kindred interests to secure, to merit its due reward.”