Trustee Winter Meeting and IAGGL Update

Lafayette College’s VP of Campus Life Annette Diorio posted a recent update from IAGGL, which includes a description of the docket from the January meeting of the Trustee Committee on Student Life. Of note are the following items:

  • Updating COMPASS to be an annual Excellence Review and Recognition Program
  • Updated data from the Office of Institutional Research that reflects:
    • Comparable academic performance between Greek & non-Greek (read the post for detailed information)
    • Comparable conduct violations for Greeks in line with expectations based on the percentage of the population they represent
  • IAGGL focus on implementation and tracking thereof.
  • Other positive items including:
    • Leadership development
    • Alcohol free programming and events
    • Increased staff to support Greek Life
    • Realignment to enhance College learning rather than compete with campus wide programming

This update goes a long way towards addressing concerns DKE’s leadership reported last August. To reflect this, we are working on an update to our tracking of progress in implementing the Board’s direction. Aside from the above progress addressing individual points set forth in the Board’s direction to the administration and faculty to implement 23 of 31 recommendations, the entire Lafayette community has coalesced behind implementation to strengthen the community. This is a most welcome realignment from our August report.

Our opinion is this January report to the Board reflects the Greek community’s significant progress towards achieving the Board’s objectives. Another positive change is the timely communication of this information to the entire Lafayette community, so that students and alumni understand the current state of the process as well as the information about them presented to the Board of Trustees.


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